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Pearls during Nissan Z-meeting in Brabant

August 22, 2022

Nissan Z

The letter Z is sacred at Nissan. Cars with this iconic letter are by definition sporty. Meanwhile, Nissan has released several Z models over the years, think the Datsun 240Z, the 280Z, the Nissan 300ZX, 350Z and of course the 370Z. Almost all Z models were present at the Brabant meeting.


Participants prepared for a route of about 150 kilometers. A nice distance to give all Z-types a good run for their money. The Nissan 370Z Nismo, christened “370R” by its owner, caught the extra eye. You could tell right away that it wasn’t standard. And what turns out? By installing a supercharger, thick 500 hp is extracted from the V6 engine. Beautiful toys.