No joke, from April 1, 2023 there will be new penalties for road pirates
Course comes on top of fine
The “course on drugs and traffic” and the “short course on behavior and traffic” should make traffic offenders aware of their dangerous behavior, so that in the future they make choices that are better for the road safety of themselves and others in traffic. If the courses are imposed, it will be in addition to the fine and possible confiscation of the offenders’ driver’s license by the police.
Increasing number of road users under the influence of drugs
“Responsible driving is one of the most important factors in making traffic safer. The number of people participating in traffic under the influence of drugs continues to rise. And one third of fatal accidents involve speeding, or not adapting to the circumstances. I therefore sincerely hope that these new courses will have an effect on road safety. For everyone who participates in traffic,” said Infrastructure and Water Management Minister Mark Harbers.
New course on ‘drugs and traffic’
Especially young, novice drivers participate in traffic under the influence of nitrous oxide, cannabis or ecstasy. The dangers of this, whether in a car, on a scooter or on a bicycle are grossly underestimated. The new “drugs and traffic” course is expected to try to teach some 5,500 people awareness, responsibility and a change in behavior in the first year. All this in three half-days spread over five weeks for a fee of 1,099 euros. So that also brings in just over 6 million euros.

Starting April 1, 2023, the CBR will offer a new shorter behavior and traffic course for first-time speeders, in addition to the already existing course for people who drive too fast and dangerously. The existing “behavior and traffic course” (EMG) is aimed at people who have been driving dangerously and riskily or speeding 60 km/h or more for some time. An EMG is an Educational Measure Behavior and Traffic.
Important prerequisites for the success of such measures are enforcement and cooperation. Alexander Pechtold, general director CBR, says: “Cooperation with the police has also been intensified in the recent period leading up to these new traffic courses. We are working hard to automate the notifications that the police must make to CBR in order to initiate an investigation or course. That automation can alleviate the great administrative pressure on officers and lower the threshold for making a communication.”
Increasingly busy on the road
The Ministry of IenW works closely with Justice and Security colleagues on enforcement. Harbers continued: “It is becoming increasingly busy on the roads and drug and alcohol use behind the wheel is on the rise, enforcement and cooperation in this area are hugely important. It forces us to face the facts that there is a great need to do more to improve traffic safety. My ambition is still to greatly reduce traffic fatalities.”
Cost of behavior and traffic course
The behavior and traffic course – an EMG – consists of two parts. The fixed cost of imposing the course(imposition costs, i.e., 433 euros) and the cost of the course itself(implementation costs, i.e., 852 euros). You will receive invoices for the imposition costs and the implementation costs by mail. This will tell you how and when you can pay.