car news

Car portrait: DeLorean DMC-12 of Erik

June 23, 2023

Back To The Future…

The DeLorean DMC-12 is an iconic sports car that gained worldwide fame thanks to its role in the legendary film series Back to the Future. The DeLorean DMC-12 – designed by John DeLorean and produced between 1981 and 1983 – immediately stood out thanks to its striking stainless steel body and wing doors. Only when the car was used as a “time machine” in the well-known Back to the Future movie trilogy did the DeLorean achieve cult status. The image of the DeLorean tearing through time with a trail of fiery streaks is still burned into the minds of millions.

PRV engine

Under the striking stainless steel body is a 2.8-liter V6 engine produced by Peugeot-Renault-Volvo (PRV). This engine produces about 130 horsepower. The DeLorean was equipped with a five-speed manual transmission (an automatic transmission was optional). Although the DeLorean’s performance was not spectacular compared to other sports cars of the time, it is still not slow. The DMC-12 also has rear-wheel drive. Enough about the specs, time to let Erik do the talking!

How did you get the DeLorean and could there ever be a successor?

“I inherited the DeLorean in 2018 from my father. He bought the car in 2004 after he suffered a brain hemorrhage. He had resolved to enjoy much more following this unpleasant moment and did so by buying his dream car. The great thing about owning a DeLorean is that it gives you a whole community. There is a club in the Netherlands with about 40 cars, half of which are driven regularly. I appreciate the car not only because of my father, but also because it is a very nice oldtimer. If I had to pick a car for it myself I would pick a classic Honda NSX.”

When asked if Erik would trade in the DeLorean for a Honda NSX, Erik replied firmly, “No. The DeLorean is never going away. I would love to drive a Honda NSX one day. The DeLorean will stay in the family and if it’s up to me it will never go away.”

What is your best memory of the car?

“The best memory is a cool DeLorean event I went to with my dad. Once every five years there is a big event in Belfast, where the car was made. My father went to Belfast in 2006 with my brother, in 2011 with my sister and in 2016 with me. A hotel is then rented out and about 40 DeLoreans attend. We then visit some museums and the old DeLorean factory where Peugeot parts are currently made. We will also get to do some test laps on the track. I am very grateful that I was still able to experience this with my father and will never forget this memory.”

What else are you planning to do (or have done) to your car?

“I don’t actually plan to have much done. In the past, I did make safety updates such as improved suspension, so some things have been done. For the future, I will maintain it well and continue to do so. What might look nice to me is a lowering kit. Then the car will be a little lower. I am still in doubt about this though, as it is currently quite easy to go smoothly over thresholds. Also, the stainless steel may need to be brushed, but that is more of an idea for the future. I see it as my duty to keep the car well maintained. I also think it’s cool to share my passion with others. I regularly have enthusiasts stand by my car and then I enjoy letting people sit in my car.”

Where does your car passion come from?

“The passion for cars I didn’t get so much from my father. We did occasionally go to races at Circuit Park Zandvoort and the AutoRAI show, but he was not a real outspoken car enthusiast. A former colleague of my father’s had a very nice green Porsche 911. My parents sometimes borrowed that Porsche. My parents then pretended the Porsche was theirs and said if I did well in school, I could buy such a beautiful car. Maybe a seed was planted then,” Erik says with a laugh.

Photography: YN Automotive