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When is energy truly sustainable and what about emission-free driving?

June 6, 2023

Important note

An important side note to make, but with the shift to renewable energy sources, energy is becoming greener. The Netherlands will invest heavily in solar panels, heat pumps and offshore wind farms. Indeed, the Netherlands wants to use only renewable energy sources by 2050 in order to be climate neutral and meet European climate targets.

Green hydrogen?

Even hydrogen is not always green yet. This energy carrier is currently still made using natural gas, but this too is undergoing a transition. Eventually we will get there and the use of fossil fuel will disappear further and further into the background. Preferably as soon as possible. The realization that things must be different is there. 

You see especially that in the field of mobility there is plenty of investment in battery-electric propulsion, hydrogen and synthetic fuels. Those synthetic fuels – considered carbon-neutral – are probably good news for petrolheads. Because fuel engines will have a future because of it.

Thought Change

The Dutch government initially focused on battery-electric cars, but you can already see a change in thinking. The Netherlands is betting on BEVs and hydrogen technology. The goal is to develop a sustainable energy mix, including renewable electricity and heat. Hydrogen is also needed in this regard, because not everything can be made sustainable with electricity.

Hydrogen made with natural gas is called fossil (gray) hydrogen, because this process releases CO2 about 13 megatons per year. In the coming years, the government wants to replace these fossil hydrogen with cleaner alternatives.

You should think about:

One way the government plans to do this is through offshore wind farms and by importing renewable hydrogen from other countries. The existing gas pipeline network can be reused to transport hydrogen. What will happen in the next few years in the field of hydrogen?

What do we use hydrogen for?

Possibly also white hydrogen

Another interesting development: white hydrogen. We wrote about it on March 6, 2023. White hydrogen? What is that anyway? That term, of course, refers to hydrogen. Hydrogen found in the Earth’s crust. An October 2022 US Geological Survey (USGS) model shows that there is enough natural hydrogen to power the world for thousands of years. It may even be an inexhaustible source of renewable energy. White hydrogen is created as iron and water in the earth react with each other under high pressure and temperature. Among other substances, hydrogen remains. It is only still necessary to investigate white hydrogen further. What about energy density? How clean is it really? These questions must be answered in the coming years.

By the way, this white hydrogen is already being used in the African country of Mali. Near the Malian capital of Bamako, a small generator is operating to generate electricity for the village of Bourakébougou. This generator is powered by white hydrogen extracted locally from the ground there.


Supply of vehicles BEV and FCEV

FCEV 2023 offerings: Toyota Mirai, Hyundai Nexo, BMW iX5 Hydrogen (not for private sale)

BEV 2023 offerings: Thick 100 BEV models, too many to mention. Strikingly, more and more players from China, such as Xpeng, Hongqi, Seres, BYD, NIO and Aiways, but other brands are also investing heavily in BEVs.

Technical developments