car news

Lend your car? This is how you do it!

September 15, 2023

Especially if you are a car enthusiast yourself, it can be quite exciting to lend your car. You picked your car carefully and you maintain it like your baby. But providing a service to a friend, brother or neighbor who is really looking for a car you can’t refuse in some cases. In addition, there will undoubtedly come a time when you need a reciprocal service. How to lend your car with peace of mind? Read on quickly. 

1.      Well insured 

You will always see; you lend your car once and damage occurs immediately. A scenario you’d rather not think about, but which unfortunately can be realistic. Of course, no disaster, as long as there are no injuries. Most damage is just repairable, this repairing all goes just a little smoother when you have the best car insurance. It also just gives you a nice feeling when you know you have someone properly insured on the road. Car loan terms can also vary, so comparing car insurance is also a smart choice in this regard. Already, it’s always smart to do this, by the way! 

2.      Make the appointment 

It can be tricky, but it can save a lot of hassle afterwards; make clear arrangements in advance. Determine who pays for the fuel, and note how full the tank is when the car is dropped off. Possible damages and fines are also good to discuss. This is not something you do out of suspicion, but purely to ensure that no uncomfortable situations arise once something does happen. If the borrower does not understand this, it may be worth considering not lending your car at all.  

3.      Choose a platform 

In addition to lending your car privately, you can also choose to actually lend the car through a platform such as SnappCar. This is convenient because then you can agree on a price and things like insurance are automatically covered. Also, such a platform takes care of the fines where settlement is concerned. Should you get the hang of it, it might be lucrative to place the car online. This can bring in a nice extra penny when you don’t need the car yourself.  

In short, lending a car; there’s really no way around it. Especially not when the borrower is truly in need. However, make sure in advance that the rules and arrangements are clear, and you have the best car insurance for this as well. This can prevent a lot of hassle and ambiguity in the future.