car news

Enjoy the nice weather and take your bike in the car

June 26, 2023

After a (too) long run-up, the weather is finally turning nice. Temperatures regularly go above 20 degrees and the sun is out almost daily. Ideal conditions to take your car for a nice drive. It becomes even more beautiful when you take the bikes and cycle a bit through a different environment. Popular areas include the coastal region, the Veluwe and, for those with climbing legs, the South Limburg countryside. In this article, you will discover how to take your bike and what this means for your car.

The road bike

Not only is summer coming, so is the biggest cycling event of the year, the Tour de France. If a lot is asked of cars anywhere, it is in the Tour. You may have seen footage from behind the peloton. Cars rocketing past each other and riders to reach their leader. The cars can take a beating and are also becoming more modern. Škoda has been a main sponsor of the Tour de France for many years and has had electric cars running in the Tour for several years.

If you want to play cyclist yourself and go cycling in southern Limburg or the French Alps, for example, there are several options. You can easily remove the front and rear wheel from the bike and put it in the trunk. Do put a cloth or foil over the chain and sprockets to prevent lubrication stains in your upholstery. Of course, the bike carrier is also an option.

The ordinary bikes

Biking around with your partner (or alone) is very relaxing. This really does not have to be done on the fast road bike, but can be done just fine on a city bike or e-bike. Every time the same lap gets boring, which is why it is nice to ride in a different area for a change. An hour by car and you drive through villages and landscapes you would never normally visit.

Regular bikes, unlike road bikes, cannot be put in the car unless it is a sizable van. In all other cases, a bike carrier is the solution. Most bike carriers you put on the tow bar. By the way, this is not necessary. In fact, you also have some with snap systems, which you attach to the tailgate. These bike carriers are not suitable if you want to carry two electric bikes.

Mimic the Tour

Back to the Tour for a moment. Although the luggage compartment of the trailers is full of wheels, clothing, food and drink, there is no room for the spare bikes. These are then also on the roof. You need a roof rack for this. You can easily fit four bikes on it. One advantage is that you have a clear view through the rear window. One drawback is that it can be quite a hassle to place the bikes, especially if they are heavy e-bikes. You also consume a lot more gasoline with a roof rack, up to 40% more.