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Domains (RZ): a secondhand with a story

November 5, 2022

Domeinen Roerende Zaken (RZ) is the service that stores and processes seized property on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. This is done, for example, through the FIOD (Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service) or the ILenT (Environmental and Transport Inspectorate). They can criminally seize cars, motorcycles and boats, among other things. In short, it is not out of the question that through DRZ offers cars because the vehicle was taken away in connection with drug trafficking, money laundering or other criminal activities. In short: through Domeinen (RZ), you might get an interesting used one with a special story.

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From taken away to offered

From the Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM), a prosecutor decides what will happen to such seized property. Sometimes it is decided that property should be returned to its owners; it may also be decided that property should be preserved, destroyed or sold.

Through Domeinen (RZ), surplus vehicles of the State and even surplus or depreciated vehicles of Defense are sometimes offered for sale. Trucks, trailers, mobile field kitchens, you name it and it’s bound to pass by. Government agencies also sometimes confiscate forklifts, machinery, trucks and various other assets. These are also offered at Domeinen (RZ).

Online auction

Cars, boats, mopeds, scooters, motorcycles, commercial vehicles and defense vehicles are offered through online auctions. The sale can be conducted in two ways. In a tender sale, you make one bid on the lot to be traded, unseen. In doing so, you don’t see what other bidders are doing for bids. Auction sales allow you to see the lots offered with your own eyes. In doing so, interested parties can actively bid against each other: you can see what the highest bid at the time is and you can make a higher bid.

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Also for private car buyers

Participating in such an auction is possible as a company or trader, as well as a private buyer. On the website of Domains (RZ) you can find how that works. But beware: if you’re shopping at an auction of Domains (RZ), there are a few things to consider.

Interesting bargain at Domains (RZ)

In short: aren’t you afraid of a car with possibly an interesting, turbulent history? A used one with a compelling story? Perhaps DRZ’s auctions are the place for you to score an interesting bargain.