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Amber Donkervoort leaves family business Donkervoort, this is the reason

October 24, 2022

Amber Donkervoort 14 years at Donkervoort

Amber’s departure is a personal choice. Amber says, “My 14 years at Donkervoort Automobiles can only be summed up as an incredible journey. I have been involved in and responsible for public relations, communications, events, marketing, branding and more. I have managed international model launches, created and managed the Donkervoort social media strategy, created numerous marketing campaigns and launched three brand new versions of our website, the most recent of which went online a few weeks ago.”

Major player

Amber continues: “Thanks to these efforts, I am proud that Donkervoort has grown tremendously over the past decade. I feel privileged to have been able to work so closely with my family and raise Donkervoort from a relatively unknown brand to a well-positioned sports car brand with a presence on three continents. When my brother succeeded my father in 2021, I very consciously chose not to.”

Love of nature

She decided to step out of her own comfort zone and explore where she could further apply her acquired expertise. She has “other more impactful and sustainable goals” in mind”.

“While my love of nature was already deeply rooted in my own childhood, the arrival of our two sons fanned the flame to find ways to make a meaningful contribution, no matter how big or small. I am excited to have begun this new chapter of my life, both personally and professionally, and I can’t wait to find out what lies ahead.”

Unique movie poster

Donkervoort has developed a special movie poster for its departure, titled “The Escape. In it, she can be seen driving toward the horizon in a bright yellow Donkervoort D8 GTO. Donkervoort remains in good hands, because Denis, just like father Joop, dedicates himself to the company for the full 200 percent. With success, because Donkervoort’s order book has never been so well filled.

Donkervoort J22

In addition, Donkervoort will soon present the F22. The Donkervoort F22 promises to be a more friendly street car, with more comfort, interior space and usability than any Donkervoort before it. The Dutch car brand aims to weigh less than 1,000 kilograms.

Since 1978

Donkervoort was founded by Joop Donkervoort in 1978. Since Jan. 1, 2021, he has handed over the daily management of the company to his son Denis. “My father achieved amazing things throughout his life here, and Donkervoort’s extended family of employees and owners will always be grateful for his vision, tenacity and belief that our cars should evoke emotion,” Denis told us at the time.

“However, his expertise and experience will not be lost to Donkervoort and he will always play an important role with the company he founded. Anyone who knows my father knows that he will not lose pace, but he is now available to share his expertise on projects with us, as well as on projects outside with other companies.”