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Weatherman Gerrit Vossers “Poah, da’s mien merk!” now owns his beloved 6320 himself! – VIDEO

October 26, 2022

Poah pronunciation

Vossers took delivery of his very own John Deere 6320 on Tuesday, Oct. 25. The reception location was extra special: the traffic circle in Loil where he recorded his weather report in 2013. His Poah statement made a big impact nationwide. A special Poah Day was even created in June. In addition, there is also special Poah merchandise.

Vossers: “This feels mighty fine!”

“A real 6320, I don’t quite want to say it, because I’m a bit older, but this is something I’ve dreamed of,” said the Achterhoek weather farmer Vossers in an interview with Regio8 while wearing a green-and-yellow jersey with the text ‘Poah’ on his chest. “This feels mighty fine. The 6320 shines from all sides and so do I myself. It’s a super tractor.”

Gerrit Vossers’ John Deere 6320 is a 2004 model.

VIDEO: Weatherman Gerrit Vossers finally got his beloved ‘6320’ in.

Thanks to Regio8 for the photo and video!