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How can you win a car?

June 7, 2022

There are several ways to win a car. You quickly think of the lottery, but companies sometimes also use a car as an eye-catcher in a competition, for example. Nowadays online gambling is also a way to win prizes. This form of gambling has grown in popularity in recent years. In addition to winning a car, you also regularly see games of chance around a week or day of free driving in a car.

You won a car. What now? Due to the gambling tax, you are obliged to pay an amount based on the value of the product you have won. This counts from a value of €449 or higher. The tax you pay on this is 30.1%. In the Netherlands it is the case that as soon as the organizer of the game of chance reports this, he pays it immediately. An organizer must withhold the tax himself. Afterwards, the organizer can recover this tax from you. So pay close attention to what is stated in the conditions of participation.

You don’t need a driver’s license to win a car. That may sound crazy, but that’s how the rules work. It is true that with most lotteries you have to be 18 years or older to have a chance of winning a car.

What if you don’t want your won car? In that case, you can simply resell the car, provided no contractual obligations have been established.  A sponsor may have made the car available under the condition that you have been the owner of the car for a certain number of years. There may also be a resale clause attached to the price promotion. When you receive your prize, you indicate whether you agree with the conditions.

From a tax point of view, there are few disadvantages to selling your won car. However, a car loses value immediately after the first registration. A car may no longer be designated as a new car once it has been registered in someone’s name. For this reason, driving for a year before you sell the car is not an unwise option. Then you can already sell your current car.

Please note that when participating in a contest or lottery about winning a car, the chances are very small! So don’t count yourself rich, but be responsible when purchasing lottery tickets.