car news

A Lotus F1 car hangs from the ceiling in this Paris apartment

October 21, 2022

Sorry, but there is a big “but”….

This Lotus 78 is a creation of Alex Bowen. Before you start searching en masse on the French equivalent of Funda for the Parisian apartment in question, we should give you a heads up. Because look, Alex Bowen is an artist, but a 3D artist. In other words, he makes all his art on his computer.

A 3D drawing of Lotus in apartment

So you might not say it, but this Paris apartment is also a 3D drawing. Alex Bowen used Autodesk 3Ds Max and FStorm Render software programs for this design. The attention to detail is stunning, note also the reflections on the table and in the mirror. Alex Bowen himself talks about #carchitecture. Of course, it is a dream: a Lotus 78 against your ceiling in the sitting room. But alas: in this case it is 3D art. Who dreams of a Lotus in their apartment?

Thus began the 3D design…

The result!