car news

Mass resignation Mercedes-Benz in … Maastricht?

February 8, 2023


News of the round of layoffs was announced by management to staff Tuesday afternoon. According to De Limburger, there was a shocked reaction from the staff, who did not see the mass layoff coming. 240 people on permanent contracts and 140 people on temporary contracts are being laid off.

Expensive times

The unions only received the news on Wednesday. FNV executive Elly Heemskerk is upset that the unions had to learn about the reorganization through the media. “Staff who are on the street in these expensive times now have absolutely no idea where they stand. I urge people not to sign a redundancy agreement until we have talked to Mercedes-Benz. We are going to talk about a social plan.”


According to FNV, Mercedes-Benz wants to move the call center to Greece. Costs are lower there. Mercedes-Benz itself says the tight labor market in the Netherlands is a reason for the move. “It now looks like a vulgar cutback where Mercedes chooses cheaper work abroad,” said Heemskerk.

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