Increase in traffic fines 2023 possibly off the table
Purchasing power crisis
The government plans to increase traffic fine rates by 8.6 percent in 2023. As always, the amount of traffic violations will then be adjusted based on the consumer price index. But Van Nispen and Mutluer believe the proposed increase in fines is highly undesirable at a time when the Netherlands is in a purchasing power crisis and so people are already struggling enough to make ends meet financially.
A choice and not an obligation
“The Minister’s proposed indexation of traffic fines – the WAHV fines, Administrative Enforcement of Traffic Regulations Act – is a choice and not an obligation,” the pair wrote in an official motion submitted to the House of Representatives on Nov. 15.
Fines hit people extra hard
“The purchasing power figure currently lags far behind the figure of the so-called consumer price index (inflation). Because of the Minister’s choice to increase the fines with the rate of inflation, the fines will not only increase significantly in absolute terms, but also in relative terms and the fines will therefore hit people harder. The proposed increase in fines is highly undesirable now that the Netherlands is in a purchasing power crisis and people are therefore already struggling enough to make ends meet financially.”
Van Nispen and Mutluer ask the government to refrain from the proposed increase (indexation) of traffic fines this year. On Tuesday, Nov. 22, this motion will already be voted on in the House of Representatives.