car news

Get the most out of your fleet with a GPS vehicle tracking system

September 8, 2022

More efficient fleet management: lower costs, higher productivity and even better maintenance

For companies with fleets, an advanced GPS vehicle tracking system is indispensable. This makes fleet management more efficient and saves you time and money.

One such vehicle tracking system is Verizon Connect. With this, the fleet manager m/f of your company has an overview of the daily activities of the fleet in almost real time. This helps reduce costs and increase productivity. You get the most out of each working day and can have vehicle maintenance done perfectly on time.

GPS vehicle tracking system provides up-to-date information

Most likely, when you think of a GPS vehicle tracking system, you immediately think of theft and crime. But Verizon Connect offers many more benefits than recovering a car after theft. The GPS vehicle tracking system gives the fleet manager insight into the current usage of each car in their fleet. High-resolution maps show, among other things, the current speed, mileage, current location and the entered destination. For example, it is possible to accurately determine the arrival time already during the trip and help reduce fuel consumption. He also stays abreast of the maintenance needs of each vehicle in the fleet and knows exactly where your employees and your equipment are.

Trip registration for tax authorities

The fleet manager can also see the route history, i.e., where the car has been and where it has been stationary for how long. Reports are available on request, as well as trip records approved for the tax authorities.

Insight into vehicle history and usage trends

Individual employees, teams or departments receive a tag, a key fob, that provides access to a fixed car. So that the fleet manager can also see in the GPS vehicle tracking system what the important trends are in the longer term, in terms of usage, consumption and costs. With customized dashboards and ‘near-real-time analytics’, the fleet manager can monitor and steer developments in terms of KPIs and budget.

GPS vehicle tracking system encourages good driving behavior

With a GPS vehicle tracking system, you can use set alerts to help drivers improve their driving habits and perform optimally in terms of safe and efficient use of your vehicles. With which also the life span and operational reliability improves.

Immobilization possible in case of unauthorized use

If one of your vehicles should nevertheless be used without your approval or stolen, you can remotely immobilize it with the special immobilization function. Immobilization takes place when the car is parked – remote immobilization – so road safety is ensured.

Computer and mobile devices

Verizon Connect can be used by the fleet manager on any computer in the office. The only requirement is that the computer is connected to the Internet and running a modern browser. Optional mobile app Spotlight for use of the GPS vehicle tracking system on Android or Apple mobile devices. Verizon Connect is a complete package: in addition to a GPS vehicle tracking system, it also offers route planning and work order management, among other things.

Support for optimal results

Of course, Verizon Connect users receive implementation, integration and training support. So that your business gets the maximum benefit from the investment in the GPS vehicle tracking system and the results continue to improve.