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Fewer traffic fines for Dutch in May, June and July

September 25, 2024

2,901,661 traffic violations

A total of 2,901,661 traffic violations under the Administrative Enforcement of Traffic Regulations Act (Wahv), known as Mulder fines, were issued in the second quarter of 2024.
This is 7.6 percent less than in the same period of 2023 (3,139,438 fines).


The decrease was mainly in speeding violations.
In part, this seems to be due to road and systems work.
All speed cameras and some route control devices will be replaced in 2024 and in 2025, which is why they are not working (temporarily).
Incidentally, some speed cameras will not return to the location where they were.
Police tenders for mobile systems are ongoing.

Pilot 30 km/h

In Amsterdam, 30 km/h has been monitored as a pilot since June of this year.
The (flex) speed cameras registered thousands of violations in recent months.
The results of the pilot will be evaluated later this year.

We have also gathered the figures from route controls.
The A2 between Amsterdam and Utrecht is still the biggest cash cow for the Dutch government with 166,460 traffic fines.

Figures trajectory checks in a row:

Total 2nd tertiary 2024 : 599,009
Total 2nd tertiary 2023 : 728,708