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Exhibition Supercars of the 90’s attracts 42,000 visitors!

September 3, 2024

Supercars of the 90’s

Thick, thicker, thickest!
Fast, faster fastest!
Hard, harder, hardest!
With those words the Louwman Museum opened the exhibition titled Supercars of the 90’s on July 5.
Visitors came face to face with a motley collection of horsepower violence coming from the ’90s, from a Ferrari F50 to the Porsche 911 GT1.
Did you miss the exhibition?
Don’t panic, we reported extensively in text and video!

Successful exhibition

Sjoerd van Bilsen, curator of the Louwman Museum, looks back on a successful exhibition: “The exhibition attracted an unprecedented percentage of new visitors and managed to break records in the 12 to 18 age group. From all over the world, car enthusiasts found their way to the Louwman Museum. Visitors from Japan, Korea, Iran, Canada and America even came over especially for the exhibition and received the impressive museum collection as a bonus. Even from Britain, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic and surrounding countries, enthusiasts came over especially, even by morning and evening flight.”

Exposition 2025

What are the plans for the next exhibition?
Van Bilsen: “We are not yet making any statements about the summer exhibition for 2025. We are working hard on that behind the scenes. We are first enjoying the 2024 edition. It is unprecedented how many people enjoyed the exhibition and expressed that during their museum visit or via social media. That’s what we, the Louwman Museum and the owners of the cars, were all about. To let car fans enjoy a special collection of automobiles, some of which only one of them exists. We were successful in that right away.”