car news

Car insurance significantly more expensive than last year

July 29, 2024

Substantial increase

Motorists are currently paying significantly more for their car insurance than a year and a half ago, the survey shows.
In January 2023, Dutch people paid an average of 85.73 euros per month in premiums.
A recent poll in July this year shows that the average premium is now 90.38 euros.
As a result, a motorist now pays over 55 euros more per year for the same car insurance than last January.
With an increase of over 9%, last year’s trend continues and premiums are expected to rise further in the future.


A major reason for the sharp rise in premiums is insurers’ rising claims burden, which has increased significantly for the fourth year in a row.
Insurers have to pay out more to customers with claims. There are several reasons for this. For example, car parts are increasingly sophisticated and therefore more expensive to repair or replace.
In addition, more and more electric cars are on the road, and repairing these vehicles is considerably more expensive than repairing gasoline cars

Insurance in big city twice as expensive

Regional differences also play a role in the increase in premiums.
This year, car insurance in The Hague is on average the most expensive.
WA insurance costs an average of 122.69 euros per month here, while in a smaller city such as Assen it is only 73.43 euros per month.
Someone in The Hague thus pays almost double per month.
Because more expensive insurance policies are taken out in large cities, the national premium average rises accordingly.

Premium difference between insurers remains large

Although premiums have increased, this does not mean motorists should resign themselves to more expensive auto insurance.
The differences in premium between insurers are large.
Not every insurer has increased premiums equally this year.
The difference between the insurer with the lowest and the average premium is often around 25 euros per month, which amounts to a difference of 300 euros per year.