car news

Car costs weigh heavily on modal income: Motoring unaffordable for many

October 2, 2024

Transportation costs shoot through the roof

Mobility should really be accessible to everyone, but for many families, transportation is becoming more and more like math.
The cost of transportation has increased by as much as 30 percent since 2015.
Especially for families with children, the amount they spend on transportation rises significantly, up to 900 euros per month.

Car vs. public transportation:

It may seem like a simple solution: if driving becomes too expensive, just take the bus or train, right?
But unfortunately it is not that simple.
The fixed costs of a car, such as insurance, fuel and maintenance, are high.
On the other hand, it quickly adds up for a family using public transportation.
Four train tickets are sometimes as expensive as a full tank of gas.

Especially in rural areas, it becomes more difficult.
Distances are greater there and public transportation runs less frequently or not at all.
As a result, a car often becomes indispensable.

Solutions sought

The Mobility Alliance thinks there are opportunities in better travel reimbursements, especially for people with lower incomes.
Facilities such as schools, hospitals and workplaces could also be brought closer to home, reducing the need for long and expensive trips.

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