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Brussels discounts Tesla: lower import duty on Chinese Tesla’s

August 21, 2024

Import duty on Chinese EVs

A nice windfall for Elon and co: Tesla has managed to demonstrate that it relies less on the Chinese subsidy squeeze than other carmakers building cars in China.
As a result, Brussels is adjusting the import tariff on cars Tesla ships to Europe: from nearly 21% to 9%.
In June, the brand asked for lower tariffs.
For fully Chinese brands like BYD, Geely and SAIC, things remain tense for a while: they will get import tariffs of 17% to as much as 38%, depending on how well they play along with the EU investigation.

European cars with Chinese roots

It is not only Tesla that benefits from the lower tariffs.
Some European automakers with Chinese joint ventures, such as Cupra and BMW, can also count on a lower duty.
For example, the import tax for the Cupra Tavascan is reduced to 21.3%.
The new electric Mini, produced in China by parent manufacturer BMW, also falls under this lower rate.
Earlier, Mini had to fear a hefty 38% import penalty.

European Commission

The lower tariffs come on top of the standard 10% import tax the EU already charges on cars.
In doing so, the European Commission is trying to level the playing field a bit and stop electric cars with hefty subsidies from the Chinese government.
Meanwhile, China remains critical of EU decisions.
China’s Ministry of Commerce has already indicated its strong opposition to the proposed measures and is considering steps to protect Chinese manufacturers.

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